3 Tips On Safely Operating Your Wheelchair Outdoors

Gone are the days when wheelchairs users were limited to their homes. Now, they can explore the outdoor world without asking someone for a helping hand. With mobility aids, like segway wheelchairs, it has become even more accessible for people in wheelchairs to reach any terrain. All they need to do is to steer to maneuver their wheelchair easily. While operating a wheelchair generally requires hand-to-eye coordination, it is also essential for users to be aware of their surroundings and terrains. Today, we have shared some helpful tips for wheelchair users to operate and navigate a wheelchair safely outdoors. 

Know your path

Uneven surfaces like cracks or rifts may set your wheelchair off balance, especially if you are traveling at speed. Ensure the path you are planning to take doesn't have curbs or steps, or you're aware of potential obstacles, including trash barrels or traffic cones. Be mindful of crosswalk areas as the chance of a vehicle driver not noticing you while crossing is never low. Also, be careful when it's raining because water on the road may cause traction issues. 

Use the foot support and secure your baggage

Before you use your segway wheelchair - either outdoors or indoors, ensure that you have kept your feet on the foot support. Also, make sure you secure all your bags or packages before you are mobile. Double-checking everything may cost you another couple of seconds. Still, it will surely save you from dangerous situations - like your feet getting caught under the chair or a loose bag falling off the wheelchair, making it difficult to pick up. 

Follow the road rules

When using a wheelchair, you need to keep in mind a few basic traffic rules, especially in busy streets and places. Always stay on the right side of the walkway. Make sure you look both ways at intersections to avoid bumping into someone. You can also announce yourself at blind corners or closed doors to prevent collisions. As wheelchair safety is dependent on quick reactions and alertness, it is not the best idea to use a wheelchair in busy streets if you have vision impairment or motor skills problems. 

If you are a wheelchair user doesn't mean you cannot enjoy the outdoors, look for a Segway wheelchair for sale and keep the mentioned safety tips in mind. 


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