A Mobility Scooter Vs. Power Wheelchair: Which One to Buy?

A mobility scooter and a power wheelchair are two of the most popular mobility aids that people with limited mobility turn to when trying to improve their mobility and lead an active lifestyle. Both products do an excellent job of helping people with mobility issues move around safely and independently. But, they do not share the same functionalities or offer the same benefits to users. This makes choosing between the two a challenging task for most buyers, especially for the first-timers. We have pulled together a few key differences between the two options to help you make an informed decision. Let’s check them out: Operation A mobility scooter comes with a tiller and handlebar for navigation, similar to those found on a bicycle. A wheelchair, on the other hand, is equipped with a joystick that allows users to steer it with one hand. Your range of motion in operating a mobility device plays a vital role in deciding the right device for your needs. Wheels A mobi...